Fido loan is fast, easy and convenient.
Licensed by the Bank of Ghana and trusted by thousands of satisfied customers
Only available in Ghana
Why get a loan through Fido?
👍 Apply in the comfort of your home, anytime;
👍 Receive a loan request decision within minutes;
👍 No hidden fees, all costs are displayed in the app;
👍 No waiting in bank queues & No paperwork required;
👍 No collateral & No guarantor;
👍 Money is disbursed instantly.
What do you get with Fido?
✓ Receive up to GHS 200 for your first loan and repay between 10 and 33 days;
✓ We increase your loan amount every time you repay on time, up to a maximum of GHS 600;
✓ As the loan limit increases, we decrease the interest rate and offer more flexible installment options;
✓ Interest rate and total amount to repay are displayed in the app.
What do you need to apply?
✓ A valid ID (voter’s ID, biometric passport, NHIA);
✓ A mobile money account that is at least 2 months old;
✓ Be a resident of Ghana, over 18 years of age.
How to Apply?
✓ Download the app and fill in your details only once. For subsequent applications confirm your details only.
✓ Receive an immediate loan decision;
✓ If you are approved, you will receive the money instantly into your mobile money account;
NB: Some customers might be asked to visit the branch if we cannot verify their
identity online.
How to repay?
✓ Repay using your mobile money;
✓ You can find the process on how to repay in the mobile app help section;
✓ Repay on time and you are eligible to take another loan.
Fido Money Lending (Fido) is a licensed financial institution by the Bank of Ghana, providing responsible credit to eligible borrowers in Ghana.
Flexible repayment terms are chosen by the applicant. The terms vary between 10 and 90 days, payable in one or multiple installments, depending on eligibility. The loans are intended to assist with urgent cash needs, and not to service long-term debt obligations.
The rate varies depending on the amount and term chosen by the borrower. Interest is set to a maximum of 0.466% per day and decreases with good repayment behavior. The maximum fee per loan is 12 GHS. Loans are provided for a short duration, to limit the overall cost of credit to the borrower.
Representative Example:
A borrower may take a loan up to 600 GHS for 30 days, at a rate of 0.266% interest per day.
The representative Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for such loan, including all interest and fee costs, is 123%, however this rate is for reference purposes only. Fido loans do not compound interest, nor are not eligible for extension or refinancing beyond the stated term.
You can contact us on 0307082134 for further information
You can be assured of your privacy, your data is secure with Fido
Il prestito Fido è veloce, facile e conveniente.
Autorizzato dalla Banca del Ghana e fidato da migliaia di clienti soddisfatti
Disponibile solo in Ghana
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Perché ottenere un prestito tramite Fido?
👍 Applica nel comfort della tua casa, in qualsiasi momento;
👍 Ricevere una decisione di richiesta di prestito in pochi minuti;
👍 Nessuna commissione nascosta, tutti i costi sono visualizzati nell'app;
👍 Nessuna attesa in coda in banca e nessuna documentazione richiesta;
👍 Nessuna garanzia e nessun garante;
👍 Il denaro viene erogato istantaneamente.
Che cosa ottieni con Fido?
✓ Ricevi fino a GHS 200 per il tuo primo prestito e ripaga tra 10 e 33 giorni;
✓ Aumentiamo l'importo del tuo prestito ogni volta che rimborserai in tempo, fino ad un massimo di GHS 600;
✓ All'aumentare del limite di prestito, riduciamo il tasso di interesse e offriamo opzioni di rata più flessibili;
✓ Il tasso di interesse e l'importo totale da rimborsare sono visualizzati nell'app.
Che cosa hai bisogno di applicare?
✓ Un documento d'identità valido (tessera elettorale, passaporto biometrico, NHIA);
✓ un conto di denaro mobile di almeno 2 mesi;
✓ Essere residente in Ghana, di età superiore ai 18 anni.
Come si fa domanda?
✓ Scarica l'app e inserisci i tuoi dati una sola volta. Per le applicazioni successive, conferma solo i tuoi dettagli.
✓ Ricevere una decisione immediata sul prestito;
✓ Se sei stato approvato, riceverai immediatamente i soldi sul tuo conto di denaro mobile;
NB: alcuni clienti potrebbero essere invitati a visitare la filiale se non siamo in grado di verificarne la validità
identità online.
Come rimborsare?
✓ rimborsare utilizzando i tuoi soldi mobili;
✓ Puoi trovare il processo su come rimborsare nella sezione di aiuto dell'app mobile;
✓ Ripagare in tempo e si è autorizzati a prendere un altro prestito.
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Fido Money Lending (Fido) è un istituto finanziario autorizzato dalla Bank of Ghana, che fornisce credito responsabile ai mutuatari ammissibili in Ghana.
I termini di rimborso flessibili sono scelti dal richiedente. I termini variano tra 10 e 90 giorni, pagabili in una o più rate, a seconda dell'ammissibilità. I prestiti sono destinati ad aiutare con esigenze di cassa urgenti, e non per servire gli obblighi di debito a lungo termine.
La tariffa varia a seconda della quantità e del termine scelto dal mutuatario. L'interesse è fissato a un massimo dello 0,466% al giorno e diminuisce con un buon comportamento di rimborso. La tariffa massima per prestito è di 12 GHS. I prestiti sono forniti per una breve durata, per limitare il costo complessivo del credito al mutuatario.
Esempio rappresentativo:
Un mutuatario può prendere un prestito fino a 600 GHS per 30 giorni, ad un tasso dello 0,266% di interesse al giorno.
Il tasso percentuale annuo rappresentativo (TAEG) per tale prestito, compresi tutti i costi per interessi e commissioni, è del 123%, tuttavia questo tasso è solo a scopo di riferimento. I prestiti di Fido non aggiungono interessi, né sono idonei per l'estensione o il rifinanziamento oltre il termine indicato.
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Potete contattarci su 0307082134 per ulteriori informazioni
Puoi essere certo della tua privacy, i tuoi dati sono al sicuro con Fido
Fido loan is fast, easy and convenient.
Licensed by the Bank of Ghana and trusted by thousands of satisfied customers
Only available in Ghana
Why get a loan through Fido?
👍 Apply in the comfort of your home, anytime;
👍 Receive a loan request decision within minutes;
👍 No hidden fees, all costs are displayed in the app;
👍 No waiting in bank queues & No paperwork required;
👍 No collateral & No guarantor;
👍 Money is disbursed instantly.
What do you get with Fido?
✓ Receive up to GHS 200 for your first loan and repay between 10 and 33 days;
✓ We increase your loan amount every time you repay on time, up to a maximum of GHS 600;
✓ As the loan limit increases, we decrease the interest rate and offer more flexible installment options;
✓ Interest rate and total amount to repay are displayed in the app.
What do you need to apply?
✓ A valid ID (voter’s ID, biometric passport, NHIA);
✓ A mobile money account that is at least 2 months old;
✓ Be a resident of Ghana, over 18 years of age.
How to Apply?
✓ Download the app and fill in your details only once. For subsequent applications confirm your details only.
✓ Receive an immediate loan decision;
✓ If you are approved, you will receive the money instantly into your mobile money account;
NB: Some customers might be asked to visit the branch if we cannot verify their
identity online.
How to repay?
✓ Repay using your mobile money;
✓ You can find the process on how to repay in the mobile app help section;
✓ Repay on time and you are eligible to take another loan.
Fido Money Lending (Fido) is a licensed financial institution by the Bank of Ghana, providing responsible credit to eligible borrowers in Ghana.
Flexible repayment terms are chosen by the applicant. The terms vary between 10 and 90 days, payable in one or multiple installments, depending on eligibility. The loans are intended to assist with urgent cash needs, and not to service long-term debt obligations.
The rate varies depending on the amount and term chosen by the borrower. Interest is set to a maximum of 0.466% per day and decreases with good repayment behavior. The maximum fee per loan is 12 GHS. Loans are provided for a short duration, to limit the overall cost of credit to the borrower.
Representative Example:
A borrower may take a loan up to 600 GHS for 30 days, at a rate of 0.266% interest per day.
The representative Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for such loan, including all interest and fee costs, is 123%, however this rate is for reference purposes only. Fido loans do not compound interest, nor are not eligible for extension or refinancing beyond the stated term.
You can contact us on 0307082134 for further information
You can be assured of your privacy, your data is secure with Fido